Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Moon that Embraces the Sun Update

I have finally finished The Moon that Embraces the Sun!

Whew, what a rollercoaster of emotion! One minute I was happy and giggly for my otp, next minute I'm worried about Prince Yang Myung, and then I'm getting angry at the monkey politician.

Look at him. He looks like those monkeys with those faces that have hair all along the edges. 

Except I think the monkey is a lot cuter. Just sayin'.

Anyway, I saw Yang Myung start to work together with the Monkey and then my mom and I got worried about his plans to overthrow his brother. But then we saw that he wanted a book of names and we started to think that he was planning on turning the book over. We were right! Ugh, but getting to that revelation had us going along a path of worry and thinking that Yang Myung was a bad person. Then he went and sacrificed himself! I was so shocked at first and then as it started to hit me and I saw Kim Soo Hyun's excellent crying skills, I too started to get teary eyed. I understand why he did it and how it tied in to the story at the beginning of the show, but still...WAE!?!?!

So the first queen went crazy and then committed suicide. I was actually still crying because of Yang Myung and then her scene came on and I remember thinking Eh, sorry honey I didn't like you as the queen, and I stopped crying for that minute where she was on screen. Congrats to the actress for making me really dislike her character.

Then the king punished everyone involved, even his sister. I was a little shocked about that, but it's okay because she gets her own little happy ending in the end. And then our main couple has a cute little boy and everyone is happy, they are in love, and it was a beautiful story.

I really liked the way it ended. Yay for happy endings!

Here are some more cute pictures of some monkeys: 

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