Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Moon that Embraces the Sun Update

So I have been dutifully watching this show and loving it very much. I finally saw the episode where she remembers everything.

Thank goodness! With each episode that passed I was cheering for her to remember her past, and finally it happened. Took you long enough Yeon Woo. Sheesh.

Where I am currently at, is she has been called in by the Queen and she just saw Yeon Woo's face. What I really want to happen is the Queen sees her and flips out and threatens her saying something along the lines of, its too late for you to have the throne etc. Then I want Yeon Woo to be all, NOPE and say that she will get back what is hers. That would be the best.

So we will have to see. I know there are countless people who have seen and already know what is going to happen, but whatever, a girl can dream right?

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