Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Currently Watching: The Moon that Embraces the Sun

GAH! I did it again! I have started another drama!

This time it is The Moon that Embraces the Sun and so far so good. I have only just watched the episode with our grown up Crown Prince, or should I say King. So I finally got to see Kim Soo Hyun, and I have to say that I love all of his little eye rolls every time a bad person speaks. It makes me giggle each time.

I only started this one because I was crocheting and wanted to watch something, so I wouldn't sit in silence with my crochet project. So I saw that it was on Netflix and I haven't seen it yet, so it was perfect. As I was watching the first episode, my mom sits down and starts watching it with me. She had only missed the first twenty-ish minutes, so it was easy to explain what was going on.

BOOM!! Just like that we were hooked and we watched three episodes that night.

I really like having someone watch dramas with me. After each episode, we sit there for a minute and rapidly discuss what we think will happen, or if one of us is confused, someone is there to explain, or the next morning we will have all these theories about the plot. I just find it so much fun to have someone to actually talk to.

So even though I already have so many other dramas on my plate, I continue to watch this drama because my mom is willing to actually watch it with me. And because it is good and has an interesting plot. And because of the handsome Kim Soo Hyun. And because of his little eye rolls and smirks.

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