Friday, May 22, 2015

Catch Up

I took a small hiatus. No posting. No watching Korean anything. No variety shows. No K-pop music videos.  Nothing. Why? Finals! So many finals! And studying! And reports! And just school in general!

But that is all in the past now, since I have officially taken my last test and turned in my last assignment. Summer is here! Yay!

Now I can resume my drama watching.

Oh, how I have missed them. I stopped watching Blood because of a research paper that needed to be finished, so I still haven't seen that. Ugh. Then I stopped watching Sensory Couple because of finals. So I haven't been able to watch the most recent episodes. I must restart!

Me being an avid Pinner on Pinterest, I have seen so many pictures of Sensory Couple, and all I can do is quickly scroll down the screen, so my fast English-subtitle-reading eyes don't see what is in the screencaps.

Well, soon I will be all caught up and I can read every single one I see. Until then!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sensory Couple Episode 10

First off, we start off with Lt. Yeom looking at the montage. Wow, it looks exactly like her! Hair and everything. Even that little wisp of hair that is sticking out behind her ears! Sorry, I know I’m not supposed to notice, but I saw that and started laughing. 

This scene was… just… I have used this word numerous times (and I will probably continue to do so) to describe this drama, but I need to use it again. It was ADORABLE! They are becoming one of my favorite Kdrama couples. He is such a tease!

Then we have Chef Kwon saying he wants to get to know her better. Is he trying to go on a date with her or is her suspicious of her? If it is the former, she has a boyfriend now Chef Kwon. If it is the latter, Cho Rim, you need to hurry and remember everything, so the police can catch him and you can be safe. 

I like how she used her powers to help Moo Gak escape from the chef’s house. When that scene was happening, I kept thinking, “Don’t text him! “ Thankfully she didn’t and gave her boyfriend his chance for escape.

Then there is the scene when they are in the park and he says that he would do anything to catch the person who killed his sister. He says that having just talked with your family member, and then seeing them dead, and how she hasn’t experienced it. I remembered that she does. Oh no, our adorable, yet tragic-back-story couple.

They are both lefties. Sorry random fact and something I noticed a while back, but now there is a shot of them eating together. 

Anyway, then we get some cute scenes of them being a couple. I loved how each one dreamt up them being together and then the reality of the situation. There was Cho Rim giving Moo Gak a back hug, and in reality slipping and passing out. 

Then, Moo Gak snuggles up with Cho Rim and in reality he just fell asleep. 

 But in the end they both get what they want, a snuggle/hug for Moo Gak and liking the opposite of what the other likes for Cho Rim. They have gone all out with the feels for this episode.

For the last scene, we have Chef Kwon with a terrified Cho Rim and someone is going to be suspicious, I just know it! They leave us with a cliffhanger like that, and now I am so worried. I love Kdramas, but I hate the angst I feel when they leave the ending with a cliffhanger and I have to wait till next week to see how it will play out. Thankfully, because I have been so busy and I haven’t been able to watch this drama (and my other dramas), I only have to wait a day for the next episode. I am terribly sorry to all of you out there that have been dutiful watchers and have had to wait a whole week with that angst building up inside of you.

Well, until then chingus! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Sensory Couple Update

I have been so busy lately. First I had a major test, which I had not studied for, which I was totally ready for. Phff. I'm a good student and don't procrastinate. Then I had a project to do and my teacher kind of just dropped it on us, so that was LOADS of fun. I also had two birthday parties that I had to attend and I needed to pig out at both of them. I also really needed to clean my room, because I am a very messy person. So all of these things happened, preventing me from watching my precious kdramas.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Anyway, trying to clean your room and watching a show that you need to read subtitles for is a very hard thing to do, and you end up just do thing over the other. In my case, at the end of an hour, I still had a messy room.

So after finishing everything, except my room which is still a work in progress, (Rome wasn't built in a day!), I have finally, almost caught up with Sensory Couple. OH MY GOODNESS! This couple is adorable. I still need to see episode 10, hence the "almost caught up."

But they kissed! And it wasn't a stupid eyes-open kiss. Plus they held hands! Then they went shopping together! She tried on this white dress first, which I totally loved! But they ended up going with this yellow dress, still nice, just not my favorite. I am so glad, she wore the yellow dress instead of the one the chef got her. It was rude to not wear the dress he gave her, but he is the villain, so anything that happens to him that doesn't go his way makes me feel a little better on the inside. I absolutely loved the scene where she is dressed in her sweatpants and her hair is in a bun and she goes to meet him. Then he asks what he should call her, his lover, his woman, his darling, or his girlfriend. I squealed with happiness. Afterward, I loved that he said he was going to go show off his girlfriend, sweatpants and all. Anyway, this couple is making me so happy and giddy, I love it!

Also there was an Infinite reference! I'm an Inspirit, so when I saw that part, I instantly smiled.

This is my blog and I can put a picture of cute Korean guys if I want. 

Now I need to get something off of my chest. Dr. Chun Baek Kyung, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU GO AND TELL THE BAD GUY THAT THE WITNESS IS ALIVE! You pabo! I sat in front of my laptop calling him an idiot and calling him out on his stupidity. If he hadn't said anything, Chef Kwon wouldn't be looking for her, putting her in danger! True, his search for her gives the police a chance to try and catch him, but now her life is in danger! But this is dramaland and we need something to spur our story onward.

Besides that little rant, I am loving this drama and I really like Park Yoo Chun and Shin Se Kyung and I hope they bring more adorable antics.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Moon that Embraces the Sun Update

I have finally finished The Moon that Embraces the Sun!

Whew, what a rollercoaster of emotion! One minute I was happy and giggly for my otp, next minute I'm worried about Prince Yang Myung, and then I'm getting angry at the monkey politician.

Look at him. He looks like those monkeys with those faces that have hair all along the edges. 

Except I think the monkey is a lot cuter. Just sayin'.

Anyway, I saw Yang Myung start to work together with the Monkey and then my mom and I got worried about his plans to overthrow his brother. But then we saw that he wanted a book of names and we started to think that he was planning on turning the book over. We were right! Ugh, but getting to that revelation had us going along a path of worry and thinking that Yang Myung was a bad person. Then he went and sacrificed himself! I was so shocked at first and then as it started to hit me and I saw Kim Soo Hyun's excellent crying skills, I too started to get teary eyed. I understand why he did it and how it tied in to the story at the beginning of the show, but still...WAE!?!?!

So the first queen went crazy and then committed suicide. I was actually still crying because of Yang Myung and then her scene came on and I remember thinking Eh, sorry honey I didn't like you as the queen, and I stopped crying for that minute where she was on screen. Congrats to the actress for making me really dislike her character.

Then the king punished everyone involved, even his sister. I was a little shocked about that, but it's okay because she gets her own little happy ending in the end. And then our main couple has a cute little boy and everyone is happy, they are in love, and it was a beautiful story.

I really liked the way it ended. Yay for happy endings!

Here are some more cute pictures of some monkeys: 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bad Guys Make Me Angry

Just as the title says, the bad guys in Blood are making me angry right now!

First off we have the vampire director and he is using our good team of doctors' sense of responsibility to their patients as a way to gain information about the vaccine.

Plus, we have the Assistant Director who is now keeping secrets for the Director and she is willing to do that in order to gain the hospital.

Then we have the evil doctor, who we found out was an evil doctor before he got this job and he has no remorse for his patients and likes to see them in pain.

Now we even have the Chairman who it turns out killed his brother and sister-in-law. Really?!?!?! Writers! Come on! How many bad guys are there going to be in this drama!

Probably the ones I'm the most angry about is the Assistant Director and the Chairman. The other two we already knew they were bad, and their most recent actions only validate that knowledge. But with the Assistant Director, she was a friend to Ri Ta and she also tried to help find out what was happening in Ward 21A. For her to be so easily swayed by a person that she knows is a murderer and is using the hospital for his own gain, it just makes me so annoyed with her.  In regards to the Chairman, I am just shocked. I honestly wasn't expecting it until he started to bring it up with the Assistant Director.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Who Knew Vampires Could Be So Cute?

I finally got to catch up on watching Blood and this main couple is adorable.

I really loved the scene where he is getting his bed ready and she is just standing there in her winter coat and beanie.

And then they are cuddling in bed! And they look so cute together.

When I first saw who the main couple was going to be, I didn't think I was going to like them. Now I love them so much and they make me giggle whenever they have a cute scene.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sensory Couple Update

I have been really busy and I have been having to postpone my drama marathons. Sad, I know. Thankfully, I was able to set aside some time and watch the current two episodes of Sensory Couple

I really love the bubbly music and the lighthearted feel that it has and Oh Cho Rim's personality is too cute.

After seeing these current episodes , these are my thougths:

1. I called it! Sort of... As I was watching the show, I saw that Dr. Chun had to piece together that Oh Cho Rim was the witness from Jeju and that her name was Choi Eun Seol. I then thought to myself, maybe he isn't the murderer since he still has to figure this out, or he is a stupid murderer.
Then we find out that it is the Chef Kwon. Called it! The thought had run through my mind, but I didn't really dwell on it as I was watching, so I sort of called it.

2. Is our Officer Choi starting to finally like Cho Rim? Yay! He is starting to worry about her and he is buying her gifts and he is trying to tease her a bit. This makes me happy!

3. I am so glad, that I stopped even slightly shipping Cho Rim and Chef Kwon. Whew, dodged a bullet there. Not really, since I know how drama land works and he will be after her once he finds out who she is.

4. So is the library behind those doors that Moongchi kept barking at? Maybe Moo Gak will put the case of the illegal gambling chicken restaurant and the chef's house plan together and realize he has a large room hidden. Hmm... I will have to wait and see.

5. When will the doctor be found? Also, he had that letter and when will that be found. Hurry up and be delivered little letter, that way Moo Gak can find out who the real killer is.

5. I still want to find out what Moo Gak did to make the troupe leader laugh. Writers, all I am asking for is a flashback and Moo Gak acting like an idiot.

That is it. Until the next two episodes!