Friday, May 22, 2015

Catch Up

I took a small hiatus. No posting. No watching Korean anything. No variety shows. No K-pop music videos.  Nothing. Why? Finals! So many finals! And studying! And reports! And just school in general!

But that is all in the past now, since I have officially taken my last test and turned in my last assignment. Summer is here! Yay!

Now I can resume my drama watching.

Oh, how I have missed them. I stopped watching Blood because of a research paper that needed to be finished, so I still haven't seen that. Ugh. Then I stopped watching Sensory Couple because of finals. So I haven't been able to watch the most recent episodes. I must restart!

Me being an avid Pinner on Pinterest, I have seen so many pictures of Sensory Couple, and all I can do is quickly scroll down the screen, so my fast English-subtitle-reading eyes don't see what is in the screencaps.

Well, soon I will be all caught up and I can read every single one I see. Until then!

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